新しいフォーラムはこちらになりますI2C scan error handling
I'm trying to scan a range of I2C addresses to identify all devices on the wire.
In the case when the device is absent, an error occurs and I try to process it.
But it does not work and I can not determine by what address there is a device.
In this code, I make five attempts to write. First, the console.log function works, and after it 4 errors appear (because among these addresses there is one working).
What am I doing wrong and how I can scan addresses?Thank you in advance for your response.
Best regards,
//initialization I2C
i2c.start({mode:"master", sda:3, scl:4, clock:100000});//iterate over range of I2C addresses
for (i = 115; i <= 119; i++) {
i2c.write(i, [0x00]);
console.log(i +' done');
console.log('addr_miss '+ i) ;
Hi @Alexey ,
Some module handle errors on
i2c is also.Please try this code.
i2c.start({mode:"master", sda:3, scl:4, clock:100000}); i2c.onerror = (err)=>{ console.log("error occured" + err); } i2c.write(0x73, [0x00]);
@kido Thank you for helping!
I tried use "onerror", and that helping in "hide" error of I2C communication.
But i try to call for all addresses of I2C diapason, and save all of them whom responded.
For that i use a cycle, wherein i making a successively write and read for I2C address.
I can't do it yet. "Onerror" don't work in cycle, how i see it.I also encountered a strange work of I2C and cannot understand why this is happening.
If I perform two write operations in a row, then the time between them is short. But if I use write-read-write, the second record will be executed only after ~ 500 ms after reading.
@Alexey Hello,
Is reading data successful?
If the strange behavior is only just delay of communication, the firmware on obniz is suspicious. I need to investigate."500 msec" seems something timeout. waiting response or something.
What is the device you are trying to connect to?