China Shopping Trolley Bag For Seniors Our History Our factory was founded in 2008, and has 13-year experience of producing shopping trolley. Now we have about 120 worker, a site area of 12000 m2, and a daily production capacity of 8000pcs. With so many years鈥?nbsp;development, we have the ability to develop 1 or 2 new styles each year. And then these trolleys are well received in the market, which has further expanded the popularity of our factory. Our Product Our mainly product shopping trolley, such as iron shopping trolley, aluminium shopping trolley, stainless shopping trolley, 2 wheels shopping trolley, foldable shopping trolley, climbing stairs shopping trolley with 3 wheels, 4 wheels shopping trolley, cooler bag shopping trolley, shopping trolley with chair Product Application shopping, camping Our Certificate BSCI, Production Equipment Pipe cutter, pipe bender, punching machine ebsite: